At a Major League Baseball game, there is a lot of things fans in attendance can enjoy. From the game being played on the field, children distracted by the team mascot, the big screen zooming in on people for a kiss cam, track the baseball under the three caps and mascot races between competitors.
Only one of those four is why your butt is in one of those hard and uncomfortable plastic seats and that’s the actual game itself.
There is one entertainment aspect in baseball that is taking the baseball world by storm. That is the mascot race for bragging rights.
The Milwaukee Brewers Sausage Race is one of the famous mascot races in MLB and it was introduced in the 1990s. The race features Polish sausage, bratwurst, Italian Sausage, hot dog and chorizo. Last season Italian Sausage and Polish Sausage tied for first place with 21 wins apiece.
In Kansas City, there is the Ketchup, Mustard and Relish race or better known as the “Hot Dog Derby” that is either done by a person or on the jumbo screen. The three hot dog condiments even had their own bobblehead nights. Relish has won the most championships through its time with seven titles followed by mustard than ketchup.
In Washington, there is the Racing Presidents. The former presidents who race are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. What makes this more interesting is Roosevelt strategic ways to not play by the rules and try to win a race. It took Roosevelt seven seasons in order to win one race. Therefore, he is the peoples champion for the Washington Nationals.
Finally, something brand new to the entertainment world during innings at a baseball game the Anchorman Race. The San Diego Padres incorporated this race for the first time of the season Friday night and the racers are from the famous movie Anchorman. The contestants in the race are Ron Burgundy, sports anchor Champ Kind, field reporter Brian Fantana and weatherman Brick Tamland. It only makes sense for Ron Burgundy to win the first race and the races to come at Petco Park.
Stay classy Major League Baseball.