*Hopkins, Mo:
It was a cold night Tuesday night in Hopkins, Missouri as the 14-3 Jefferson Eagles of Conception Junction came into town to take on 12-4 North Nodaway Mustangs.
The Eagles struck first by Malia Collins knocking down both free throws, then the
Mustangs went on a 10-2 run. The end of the first quarter North Nodaway lead Jefferson 12-9.
In the second quarter, the Eagles guard Collins displayed great ball by finding Center Vanessa Pappert three times on the low block for a score. The Eagles scored 18 points in second and at the end of the quarter, the Eagles were now up on Mustangs 29-26.
With the next two quarters, the Eagles outscored the Mustangs 30-23 two beat the Mustangs and improve to 15-3.
Eagles center Vanessa Pappert scored 23 points and the Mustangs guard Keegan O’Riley scored 15 points all coming from the three-point line.